+38 (044) 2272000

1C service

Any software periodically requires the attention of an expert. This is due to the fact that various minor errors accumulate in the process of operation – it is they that at some point lead to «accidents» and malfunctions in work. 

Even more attention requires such a complex and multi-tasking system as 1С: this is why today the service of 1С is in demand today. Those who believe that it is necessary to install the necessary configuration one day and teach their employees to work with the service for normal operation will have to upset. If your software is not up-to-date and updated, then it will become unfit for work after a while. Why?

There are several reasons, the main ones are: 

Of course, an enterprise may have its own employee in its staff who will be responsible for servicing 1C, but this approach is only suitable for large organizations with large turnover. In the overwhelming majority of cases, software maintenance is carried out by specialized companies in the format of subscription services – this is a more rational option, which also ensures the quality of work. 

What works are carried out within the service 1C? 

Company Mag-geek offers several packages of user services so that each client can choose the optimal solution in terms of volume and cost from the point of view of his business. 

Package name Easy Lite 5 Classic
Number of man-hours of specialist per month 6 5 10 20 50
Monthly payment, UAH. X 1800 3400 6600 16000
Package price for prepayment for 3 months, UAH. 2160 5100 9600 18600 45000
Saving 300 Saving 600 Saving 1200 Saving 3000
Possibility of transferring to use the watch for another month (within the scope of the contract) Yes No No Yes Yes
Number of specialist visits to the office X X X 2 4
Cost per hour for 1 month - 360 340 330 320
Cost of hours for 3 months payment 360 340 320 310 300

The 1C program maintenance package may include

Within the packages, such services can be performed

Counseling can be carried out either by phone or by using a remote connection to the Customer's database (including the user's desktop), as well as at the client's office.

Administration «Package»

The «Administration» package is designed for companies that do not have full-time technical specialists who know «1C: Enterprise 8» and are able to administer the system, as well as support users (consulting). Also this package can be interesting at the initial stage of work with the new system (or at the implementation stage) to companies that have relevant specialists who simply need initial help in carrying out all necessary work with the database.

Administration includes the following services:

Counseling can be carried out either by phone or by using a remote connection to the Customer's database (including the user's desktop), as well as at the client's office.

Service 1s cost

The cost of the «Administration» package depends on the number of users (the number of client licenses), the number of databases and the degree of their completion, as well as the composition of the set of services, and therefore is calculated individually for each company.

The final list of works is coordinated and approved by the Customer and the Contractor.

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