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System integration

It's no secret that "everything has been done before us." Remained just a little "gather fragments" to solve the task. And then it turns out that integrating disjoint parts is not often more difficult than writing them. Why does this happen? What can be done about this?

All programmers like to make systems from scratch, when thought can freely invent any forms and means when it is possible to make decisions without looking at the legas. Of course, a system designed entirely, provided that it was made by a specialist, always looks monolithic and pleases the eye. But after all, our reality is flowing and with time, any conceptual idyll is violated in the course of business development, process changes, mergers or mergers, the introduction of new systems, the change of hardware or software platforms, and even legislation.

Who supported and implemented the systems, and even more so, engaged in refinement, reengineering and integration, he knows that more than two thirds of all efforts in IT (attention, time and money) go to the "gluing" of incompatible and attempts to "marry" the modules written different people, at different times, in different languages ​​and technologies, under different platforms.

Factors affecting integration

Parameters that are responsible for the complexity of integration and will offer options to minimize the negative influence of these parameters

The general problem is as follows: it is necessary to integrate N information systems characterized by the factors described above, with the minimization of the number of interlayers, converters, brokers and interfaces between them. If the problem is solved in the forehead, then N (N-1) / 2 constraints will exist between the N systems, that is, for two-way interaction of the N (N-1) interfaces. If we take into account that we can understand everything from the web interface to the offline process, starting, for example, once a day, and doing a number of complex operations for database synchronization (queries, processing, exporting, FTP uploading, signaling another part of the system, so that she accepts the transferred data and completed her part of the work, and then notified the results and transferred the necessary data back to her. In general, such options will never be completely eliminated, the question is only in their competent implementation.

Arsenal of funds to solve the task

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