In order for your site to work productively, it is necessary that customers can find it among a variety of information. Our services
Website Optimization
Promotion of sites
Contextual and display advertising.
Sequence of work
in one day
we will begin to optimize and purchase links leading to your site
in one week
search engines will evaluate your site and index the links to it
in one month
the position of the site in search engines will improve
in 3 months
You will start getting customers from search engines
in 6 months
we support the achieved result
Basic website promotion includes:
search engine optimization of site pages;
adding a site to thematic Internet directories
adding a site to the rating bigmir) net and setting a visit counter on each page of the site.
Site usability analysis
After the user has got on your site, the main task is to provide your potential customer with all the necessary information in the most convenient form. The analysis of usability will help to track the user's behavior on the site, identify all «the bottlenecks» and eliminate the reasons for which the user leaves your site without obtaining the required information. In the course of usability analysis the following tasks are solved:
elements of navigation that are difficult to understand
the logical structure of the site is determined
the content of the site is judged from the point of view of the interests of the target audience and identify unsuccessful forms of information
tips are given to improve the design and suitability of the design solution to the goals and objectives of the resource
Internet advertising
Promotion in the search engines is aimed at ensuring that users can find the site of your company. However, sometimes this is not enough, and a more active impact on the audience of potential customers is required. Internet advertising – is a set of services aimed both at actively attracting the audience to the site, and on the formation of a positive image of the company.
Internet advertising includes the following complex of services:
selection of advertising platforms and placement of banner and text ads
placing of banners (graphic and text) in banner exchange networks
placing information about your site on thematic resources (portals, catalogs, bulletin boards, media)
contextual advertising in search engines
use of thematic mailing lists
writing and publishing press releases in online media